Sunday, November 27, 2011

Episode 4 with Bernie is up and ready!

I'm pleased to announce that Episode 4 - Bernie: You are not Alone, is up and available for download from iTunes and the Liberated Syndication page!

Bernie's heartfelt, candid interview about his abuse during his younger years in the Catholic church, and the encouragement he has received from attending his men's support group in recovery, is well worth a listen. I hope you find this new episode helpful and insightful.

Please feel free to send comments, suggestions and questions my way. I would also appreciate your comments on iTunes if you have an account there. Thanks for listening.


Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Episode 3 is up and we're available on iTunes!

I had the pleasure of interviewing Lynne MacDonell here in Toronto yesterday via Skype for our third episode. We discuss therapy, survivor support group and her new venture into online support groups for male survivors. A very insightful, caring and tireless woman who has been helping men to heal for over a decade, Lynne's comments in this episode are spot on.

Much quicker than I had anticipated, my approval came earlier this week from Apple that Men Healing Podcast is now available on iTunes and searchable! I have to say I'm very excited about this development as I believe it will grant more exposure and better access to the podcast from here on in. So, either via the Liberated Syndication page or in iTunes, you can now keep up to date on new episodes when they become available. I encourage you to subscribe in iTunes in order to not miss an episode and if you could write a review there it would really be helpful.

Thanks again for listening and your support. Please email me if you have any suggestions, requests or would like to be interviewed. Be well in your healing.


iTunes link:
Lynne's website:
Emotional Fitness for Men:!/effm12 (website will launch this week)